MOUNTAIN BIKING: Millers Meadows



Miller's Meadow features 5.1 miles of tight wooded singletrack, open fields, multiple creek crossings, bridges, concrete slabs, roots, elevated bridge, some jumps, minimal elevation change, hedge-apples, urban artifacts, and bobcats. Although there are no major obstacles or serious challenges to Millers, it is fast in many sections and proves to be hazardous to even experienced riders that might have a lapse of situational awareness.

The trail runs opposite directions on certain days. Runners always run against the bike direction. Helmets are required at all times at the property owner's request. Millers Meadow is also the site of many events, such as the annual Millers Meadow Monster Mash (M4) ride that is 20 laps, or 100 miles, long. Visit for more information. Also, local bike shops have had Demo Days at Millers, to allow riders to test ride many bikes that we can't afford. :)

This trail is maintained by Kansas Singletrack Society. Go to and select the About KSS tab to report a trail issue.


This is a trail that is some what hiddin. Most people only hear about it via word of mouth. I had to google the name and found it after following the instructions and they were wrong. If you are on Kellogg, go East to 127th Street, shortly after the John Deere dealership. Go South to Pawnee, then turn left 1/2 mile. There is a driveway on the south side of the road amongst some cedar trees. You will find a gravel drive way into an area that looks somewhat like a trash dump. You just follow it across the creek and park. You will see the trails running all around you, just jump on and ride. I don\'t know of a map of this trail. If you miss that drive way you can enter on the southside of the road just about another 1/8 mile.